TV Shows - Yoo Jae-myung
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. Yoo Jae-myung has appeared in 2 television series with data.
Movies - Yoo Jae-myung
Sorted by online popularity. Yoo Jae-myung has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Yoo Jae-myung's Wikipedia page
    Yoo Jae-myung Biography
    Yoo Jae-myung (born June 3, 1973) is a South Korean actor known for his roles in popular TV series such as Reply 1988 (2015), Stranger (2017), Life (2018), Itaewon Class (2020), and Voice of Silence (2020). He made his debut in the film industry with The Last Witness in 2001 and has since played mainly supporting roles in movies and dramas. Yoo is also a theater director and has taught acting in Seoul. His breakthrough came with the highly-rated drama Reply 1988 in 2015, leading to leading roles in subsequent critically acclaimed shows like The Good Wife, Stranger, and Prison Playbook. Yoo has received positive reviews for his performances in TV series Life and Confession, winning the Best Supporting Actor award at the 6th APAN Star Awards.

    On September 20, 2024, Yoo Jae-myung had 280 Wikipedia visits, making him the #12,073 most popular actor online.