What is Bad Monkey (TV) About?
Bad Monkey, an American drama series developed by Bill Lawrence, is adapted from Carl Hiaasen's novel and unfolds in the vibrant yet corrupt backdrop of Southern Florida and the Bahamas. The show stars Vince Vaughn as Andrew Yancy, previously a police detective, now relegated to the role of a restaurant inspector. His life takes a dramatic turn when a tourist fishing in the area discovers a severed arm, pulling Yancy into an investigation that exposes a web of greed, corruption, and environmental devastation. The series features a rich ensemble cast including Michelle Monaghan, Jodie Turner-Smith, and Rob Delaney, portraying a complex array of characters that intertwine with Yancy's descent into a world where moral lines are blurred. Premiering on Apple TV+, Bad Monkey combines intrigue with dark comedic elements, exploring themes of human folly and environmental concerns.
The first episode of Bad Monkey aired on August 13, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on September 17, 2024.