What is Cougar Town (TV) About?
Cougar Town is an American sitcom that encompasses the life and experiences of Jules Cobb, a newly single mother in her forties embarking on a journey of self-exploration and personal growth. The story unfolds in a fictional Florida town, featuring her son, ex-husband, and the friends who comprise her tight-knit, albeit unconventional, extended family. Throughout the show's six-season run, it delves into the challenges and triumphs associated with mid-life changes, the bonds of community, and the enduring nature of friendship. Cougar Town offers a comedic yet poignant portrayal of how its protagonist faces the next chapter in life, underscored by the importance of companionship and support from loved ones.
The first episode of Cougar Town aired on September 23, 2009 and the most recent episode to air was on March 31, 2015.