What is Mayfair Witches (TV) About?
Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches, also known as Mayfair Witches, is an American supernatural thriller drama television series, which is part of the larger Immortal Universe based on Anne Rice's literary works. The show follows the narrative of Dr. Rowan Fielding, a talented neurosurgeon who discovers her unexpected inheritance as the heiress to a lineage of witches known as the Mayfair family. With a newly discovered heritage, Rowan must learn to understand and control her burgeoning magical abilities while being thrust into a world of supernatural intrigue. The series delves into the interaction between the Mayfair legacy and a malevolent entity that has been intertwined with the family's history for centuries. Starring Alexandra Daddario in the lead role, the show unspools a complex tapestry of characters and their relationships, all while exploring themes of destiny, power, and the battle between good and evil. The series is notable for its adaptation of Rice's acclaimed Lives of the Mayfair Witches novels and for expanding the universe established by the preceding series, Interview with the Vampire. Premiering on AMC, Mayfair Witches has built upon the world of Rice's enchanting and mystical storytelling, providing a fresh and dramatic interpretation of her iconic characters and narrative elements.
The first episode of Mayfair Witches aired on January 08, 2023 and the most recent episode to air was on February 26, 2023.