What is LIGHTHOUSE (TV) About?
LIGHTHOUSE is a unique Japanese talk variety show that pairs musician Gen Hoshino with comedian Masayasu Wakabayashi. The duo, known for their achievements in the entertainment sector, engage in a series of candid conversations set in different locations each month over the course of half a year. The show delves into a wide array of topics, including the hosts' vulnerabilities, personal worries, and the broader human experience, all the while maintaining a light-hearted atmosphere with plenty of humor. As a special element, Gen Hoshino composes and performs six songs for the show, which serve as thematic openings and closings, with each piece influenced by the discussions held on the program. The concept of LIGHTHOUSE was developed by television producer Nobuyuki Sakuma, inspired by the potential chemistry and evolution between the two hosts that he observed during their collaborative appearance on another variety show. Originally intended as a year-long project, the concept was scaled down to six months due to scheduling limitations. Production for the series commenced in October 2022, with a notable focus on content authenticity and the gradual personal growth synonymous with Japanese television dramas. LIGHTHOUSE captures a unique synergy between Hoshino and Wakabayashi, offering viewers an intimate look at the candid and reflective side of two celebrated entertainers.
The first episode of LIGHTHOUSE aired on August 22, 2023 and the most recent episode to air was on August 22, 2023.