TV Shows - Alex G
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 05, 2024. Alex G has appeared in 1 television series with data.
Movies - Alex G
Sorted by online popularity. Alex G has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Alex G's Wikipedia page
    Alex G Biography
    Alexander Giannascoli, known professionally as Alex G or (Sandy) Alex G, is an American musician, producer, and singer-songwriter. Born on February 3, 1993, in Havertown, Pennsylvania, Giannascoli began his music career by self-releasing his work on Bandcamp. His label debut, DSU (2014), gained critical acclaim and helped him build an audience. He signed with Lucky Number and Domino Recording Company, releasing albums like Beach Music (2015), Rocket (2017), House of Sugar (2019), and God Save the Animals (2022). Giannascoli's music showcases his talents as a multi-instrumentalist and a thoughtful songwriter. With a diverse discography that spans various genres, he has established himself as a respected figure in the indie music scene.

    On July 05, 2024, Alex G had 935 Wikipedia visits, making him the #5,734 most popular actor online.