TV Shows - Ben Goddard
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. Ben Goddard has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Midsomer Murders Poster
    Midsomer Murders
    as Musical Director 1 episode • #393 most popular show
    Midsomer Murders is a British television detective drama series that follows the investigations of Detective Chief Inspector John Barnaby as he unravels a series of mysterious and often bizarre murders in the fictional county of Midsomer. The show, which first aired in 1997, is known for its picturesque rural setting and complex murder mysteries. With its signature blend of suspense, dark humor, and intriguing character dynamics, Midsomer Murders appeals to fans of both crime dramas and cozy mysteries.
Movies - Ben Goddard
Sorted by online popularity. Ben Goddard has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Ben Goddard's Wikipedia page
    Ben Goddard Biography
    Ben Goddard (October 17, 1942 – June 15, 2018) was a prominent political consultant and founding partner of First Tuesday, Goddard Claussen, Goddard Global, and Goddard Gunster. He is widely recognized as the pioneer of issue advocacy advertising and is credited with creating the genre of national issue advocacy advertising through the influential Harry & Louise campaign. Goddard served as the president of the International Association of Political Consultants and was a renowned columnist in The Hill newspaper, offering expert insights on campaign messages and strategies. His notable campaigns include Harry & Louise, the Pacific Life Whales, and Prop 187 in California. Goddard received numerous awards for his creativity, including a television Emmy, and his commercials are housed in the Smithsonian Institution permanent collection.

    On September 27, 2024, Ben Goddard had 3 Wikipedia visits, making them the #32,107 most popular actor online.