TV Shows - Bob Clout
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 26, 2024. Bob Clout has appeared in 0 television series with data.
    Movies - Bob Clout
    Sorted by online popularity. Bob Clout has appeared in 2 movies with data.
    • F/X2 Poster
      as Confessional Priest • #6,045 most popular movie
      F/X2 is a 1991 action thriller film and a sequel to the original movie. It follows the story of special effects man Rollie Tyler as he teams up with a private investigator to uncover the truth behind a series of murders linked to a conspiracy.
    • Sugartime Poster
      as Mr. McGuire • #7,517 most popular movie
      Sugartime is a 1995 American crime film based on a true story about the affair between singer Phyllis McGuire of The McGuire Sisters and Mafia boss Sam Giancana. The movie delves into the consequences of their relationship, leading to legal troubles and a tarnished reputation.