TV Shows - Bodil Jørgensen
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 29, 2024. Bodil Jørgensen has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • The Kingdom Poster
    The Kingdom
    as Karen Svensson 5 episodes • #1,159 most popular show
    The Kingdom is a riveting TV series, predominantly revolving around the intricacies of martial arts. It manifests the gripping journey of retired mixed martial artist, Alvey Kulina, as he navigates vicissitudes within personal and professional realms. The narrative seamlessly ties together themes of redemption, ambition, and family dynamics.
Movies - Bodil Jørgensen
Sorted by online popularity. Bodil Jørgensen has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Bodil Jørgensen's Wikipedia page
    Bodil Jørgensen Biography
    Bodil Jørgensen is a Danish actress known for her versatile performances in both film and television. She was born on May 3, 1961, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Jørgensen began her acting career in the 1980s and quickly gained recognition for her talent and dedication. She has appeared in numerous Danish movies and TV shows, showcasing her ability to portray a wide range of characters. Some of her notable film credits include roles in movies such as 'Italian for Beginners' (2000) and 'Klovn: The Movie' (2010). On the small screen, Jørgensen has appeared in popular Danish TV shows like 'The Killing' and 'Borgen'. With her natural acting skills and undeniable charisma, Bodil Jørgensen continues to be a respected figure in the Danish entertainment industry.

    On April 29, 2024, Bodil Jørgensen had 58 Wikipedia visits, making her the #21,865 most popular actor online.