TV Shows - Börje Lundberg
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 27, 2024. Börje Lundberg has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • The Third Day Poster
    The Third Day
    as Professor Mimir 6 episodes • #1,539 most popular show
    The Third Day is a British-American psychological thriller and folk horror television series that unfolds in two halves, 'Summer' and 'Winter.' It explores the tales of two distinct characters who visit an enigmatic island at separate times. In 'Summer,' Sam discovers the tight-knit community’s fervent desire to preserve its customs. 'Winter' introduces Helen, an outsider whose arrival instigates a tumultuous conflict regarding the island’s future.
Movies - Börje Lundberg
Sorted by online popularity. Börje Lundberg has appeared in 0 movies with data.