TV Shows - Chanel Minnifield
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 25, 2024. Chanel Minnifield has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Jane the Virgin Poster
    Jane the Virgin
    as Student #5 1 episode • #607 most popular show
    Jane the Virgin is an American romantic-comedy-drama television series. The show follows Jane Villanueva, a young woman who becomes accidentally artificially inseminated during a routine checkup. As a result, she finds herself facing the challenges and joys of motherhood, all while navigating her complicated love life. With its clever blend of telenovela-inspired storytelling and genuine heart, Jane the Virgin has captivated audiences with its unique and entertaining premise.
Movies - Chanel Minnifield
Sorted by online popularity. Chanel Minnifield has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Exposure Poster
    as Lily • #5,136 most popular movie
    Exposure is a 2023 American psychological thriller, focusing on a traumatized man, Tanner, who believes he is being poisoned. His wife, Nicole, skeptical of his claims, pushes him to confront his fears using exposure therapy, a process that unfolds throughout the film.