TV Shows - Christian Zuber
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on August 31, 2024. Christian Zuber has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • The Morning Show Poster
    The Morning Show
    as Fred's Assistant 4 episodes • #225 most popular show
    The Morning Show is a drama series that takes place behind the scenes of a popular morning television show. The story follows the network's struggle to cope with a major scandal involving one of their lead anchors. Through a compelling mix of personal dramas, complex relationships, and intense professional rivalries, the show explores the power dynamics and ethical dilemmas in the world of broadcast journalism. With a talented ensemble cast and thought-provoking storytelling, The Morning Show takes viewers on a gripping journey that offers an inside look at the high-stakes world of morning television.
Movies - Christian Zuber
Sorted by online popularity. Christian Zuber has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Fly Me to the Moon Poster
    Fly Me to the Moon
    • #46 most popular movie
    Fly Me to the Moon is a romantic comedy-drama that centers on the tumultuous collaboration between Kelly Jones, a marketing specialist, and Cole Davis, the NASA director overseeing the historic Apollo 11 launch. Set against the backdrop of the 1960s Space Race, the plot thickens as they are tasked with staging a faux moon landing as a precautionary measure by the White House.