TV Shows - Dan Paulson
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. Dan Paulson has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Sweet Magnolias Poster
    Sweet Magnolias
    as Mr. Daniels 1 episode • #791 most popular show
    Sweet Magnolias is a heartwarming television series that follows the lives of three best friends in the charming small town of Serenity, South Carolina. As they navigate through the ups and downs of relationships, careers, and family, viewers are treated to an authentic portrayal of friendship, love, and community. With its relatable characters and captivating storyline, this drama offers a delightful blend of romance, drama, and humor that will keep audiences hooked from start to finish.
Movies - Dan Paulson
Sorted by online popularity. Dan Paulson has appeared in 0 movies with data.