TV Shows - Daniel Monks
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 26, 2024. Daniel Monks has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • KAOS Poster
    as Nax 5 episodes • #20 most popular show
    KAOS is a mythological dark-comedy series on Netflix, blending classical mythology with modern storytelling. It centers around Zeus, who becomes paranoid over a prophecy that may signal his downfall. The narrative follows three mortals linked to this prophecy as they navigate a world of divine intrigue and deception, potentially altering the course of human history.
Movies - Daniel Monks
Sorted by online popularity. Daniel Monks has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Ricky Stanicky Poster
    Ricky Stanicky
    as Keith • #1,295 most popular movie
    Ricky Stanicky is an upcoming American comedy film directed by Peter Farrelly. It features an inventive plot about three friends who create an imaginary character, Ricky Stanicky, to cover for their misdeeds over the years. However, when their partners insist on meeting Stanicky, the trio hires a faded actor to portray the mythical figure, leading to a series of comic events.