TV Shows - David Birrell
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. David Birrell has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Midsomer Murders Poster
    Midsomer Murders
    as Mark Thomas 1 episode • #406 most popular show
    Midsomer Murders is a British television detective drama series that follows the investigations of Detective Chief Inspector John Barnaby as he unravels a series of mysterious and often bizarre murders in the fictional county of Midsomer. The show, which first aired in 1997, is known for its picturesque rural setting and complex murder mysteries. With its signature blend of suspense, dark humor, and intriguing character dynamics, Midsomer Murders appeals to fans of both crime dramas and cozy mysteries.
  • Bodies Poster
    as Dalrymple 1 episode • #782 most popular show
    Bodies is a British crime drama and science fiction anthology series that unfolds an intricate mystery involving a single deceased individual discovered on the streets of London. Spanning across four distinct time periods—1890, 1941, 2023, and 2053—the narrative follows four separate detective characters as they investigate the puzzling case. As the detectives delve deeper, their stories become entwined, unveiling implications that transcend time and could potentially alter the course of Britain's destiny.
Movies - David Birrell
Sorted by online popularity. David Birrell has appeared in 0 movies with data.