TV Shows - Eduardo Capetillo
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 27, 2024. Eduardo Capetillo has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • High Heat Poster
    High Heat
    as Ricardo Urzúa Lozano 39 episodes • #2,128 most popular show
    High Heat is a show focusing on baseball's hot topics and controversies. Presented by MLB Network, it features discussion, analysis, and interviews concerning current events in baseball. Informed perspectives from experts and players in the world of Major League Baseball make it engaging for all baseball enthusiasts.
Movies - Eduardo Capetillo
Sorted by online popularity. Eduardo Capetillo has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Eduardo Capetillo's Wikipedia page
    Eduardo Capetillo Biography
    Eduardo Capetillo Vásquez (born April 13, 1970) is a Mexican actor and singer. Born in Mexico City, Mexico, he comes from the Capetillo family, known for their legacy in bullfighting. At a young age, he took acting courses with Martha Zabaleta and jazz classes at Televisa's qualification center. His career took off when he placed second in the festival Juguemos a Cantar with his song 'Mi grupo toca Rock,' which was later released by Orfeón Records. Eduardo's acting debut came in 1983 with the telenovela 'Martín Garatuza.' He also joined the popular band Timbiriche in 1986, replacing Benny Ibarra, and achieved further success through various albums and hit songs.

    On April 27, 2024, Eduardo Capetillo had 295 Wikipedia visits, making him the #12,201 most popular actor online.