TV Shows - Evis Xheneti
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 28, 2024. Evis Xheneti has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Poster
    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
    as Student #2 (uncredited) 1 episode • #517 most popular show
    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is a popular American television series that follows a team of forensic investigators from the Las Vegas Police Department as they solve crimes using scientific evidence. The show, created by Anthony E. Zuiker, combines elements of crime drama and procedural genres, presenting a realistic portrayal of forensic investigation techniques. With its engaging storylines, complex characters, and meticulous attention to detail, CSI has become an iconic and influential show in the television landscape. It has spawned multiple spin-offs and has garnered a dedicated fan base worldwide.
Movies - Evis Xheneti
Sorted by online popularity. Evis Xheneti has appeared in 6 movies with data.