TV Shows - F. Clifton White
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. F. Clifton White has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • PBS News Hour Poster
    PBS News Hour
    as Self (Political Consultant) 1 episode • #1,117 most popular show
    PBS NewsHour is an American daily evening news program that provides in-depth analysis and reporting on current events. It is produced by PBS and offers a comprehensive overview of national and international news, politics, science, and cultural topics. With a reputation for high-quality journalism and balanced reporting, PBS NewsHour features in-depth interviews with newsmakers, insightful panel discussions, and in-depth field reporting from around the world. The program strives to provide viewers with accurate and objective news coverage while fostering understanding and critical thinking.
Movies - F. Clifton White
Sorted by online popularity. F. Clifton White has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to F. Clifton White's Wikipedia page
    F. Clifton White Biography
    F. Clifton White (June 13, 1918 - January 9, 1993) was an American political consultant and campaign manager known for his work with the Republican Party. He was born in Leonardsville, New York, and graduated from Colgate University in 1940. During World War II, he served as a navigator for the United States Army Air Corps and received the Distinguished Flying Cross. After the war, White taught political science at Ithaca College and Cornell University. He gained prominence as the driving force behind the Draft Goldwater Committee, which secured the nomination of Senator Barry M. Goldwater as the Republican presidential candidate in 1964. White also worked with the New York Conservative Party and various foreign clients.

    On September 27, 2024, F. Clifton White had 8 Wikipedia visits, making them the #29,889 most popular actor online.