TV Shows - Funda Eryiğit
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Funda Eryiğit has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • The Protector Poster
    The Protector
    as Nisan 14 episodes • #1,763 most popular show
    The Protector is a supernatural drama television series that follows the life of a young man named Hakan who discovers his mystical powers and becomes the latest in a long line of ancient warriors tasked with protecting Istanbul from an immortal enemy. As Hakan delves deeper into his new role, he uncovers a hidden world of ancient secrets, prophecies, and danger. With the help of his loyal friends and allies, Hakan must navigate the treacherous path of destiny to fulfill his duty and save the city from impending doom.
Movies - Funda Eryiğit
Sorted by online popularity. Funda Eryiğit has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Funda Eryiğit's Wikipedia page
    Funda Eryiğit Biography
    Funda Eryiğit is a Turkish actress known for her versatile acting skills and captivating performances. She was born on November 6, 1984, in Izmir, Turkey. Eryiğit gained popularity through her roles in various movies and TV shows. She made her feature film debut in 2007 and has since appeared in numerous acclaimed films. Some of her notable movie credits include 'Sivas', 'When We Leave', and 'Noah Land'. Eryiğit has also made several appearances on television, starring in popular shows like 'The Protector' and 'Behzat Ç.: Bir Ankara Polisiyesi'. With her talent, dedication, and natural charisma, Funda Eryiğit continues to impress audiences with her remarkable performances.

    On April 28, 2024, Funda Eryiğit had 69 Wikipedia visits, making her the #21,473 most popular actor online.