TV Shows - Gabrielle Haugh
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. Gabrielle Haugh has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • grown-ish Poster
    as Emily 1 episode • #759 most popular show
    Grown-ish is a popular American sitcom that follows the story of Zoey Johnson as she navigates through the challenges of college life. The show tackles various social and cultural issues faced by young adults, providing a unique blend of comedy and drama. With its relatable characters and witty writing, Grown-ish has resonated with audiences around the world, becoming a significant cultural phenomenon.
Movies - Gabrielle Haugh
Sorted by online popularity. Gabrielle Haugh has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Boneyard Poster
    as Selena • #2,108 most popular movie
    Boneyard is a crime thriller film featuring the collaborative effort of an FBI agent and the Albuquerque police chief as they pursue a serial killer known as The Bone Collector. As the investigation deepens, suspicions arise within the police department itself, suggesting that the killer might be one of their own officers.