TV Shows - Gracen Newton
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Gracen Newton has appeared in 3 television series with data.
  • History of the World: Part II Poster
    History of the World: Part II
    as Jesus Fan 1 episode • #1,093 most popular show
    History of the World: Part II is a sketch comedy series that parodies various eras and events from across the annals of human history. It functions as a continuation of the comedic vision set forth in Mel Brooks' 1981 film, presenting an array of historical and legendary vignettes with a satirical twist, and features a talented ensemble cast led by Mel Brooks, Wanda Sykes, and Nick Kroll.
  • The Patrick Star Show Poster
    The Patrick Star Show
    as Fentin Finkle (voice) 1 episode • #1,195 most popular show
    The Patrick Star Show is an animated comedy series that centers on the iconic SpongeBob SquarePants character, Patrick Star, and his family as they produce a homemade variety show. The series showcases Patrick's endeavors from inside his converted TV-set bedroom, accompanied by a colorful cast of family members who contribute to his television hijinks.
  • Pretzel and the Puppies Poster
    Pretzel and the Puppies
    as Pedro (voice) 35 episodes • #1,930 most popular show
    Pretzel and the Puppies is an animated television series centered around Pretzel, a dachshund known for being the longest in the world, and his five energetic puppies. With his partner Greta, Pretzel guides their puppies through various adventures, promoting teamwork and problem-solving, as they strive to make a positive impact on their surroundings.
Movies - Gracen Newton
Sorted by online popularity. Gracen Newton has appeared in 0 movies with data.