TV Shows - Irene DeBari
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. Irene DeBari has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Gilmore Girls Poster
    Gilmore Girls
    as Maid 1 episode • #31 most popular show
    Gilmore Girls is an American television series that aired from 2000 to 2007. The show revolves around the lives of Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter Rory. Set in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the duo as they navigate their personal and professional lives. Known for its fast-paced dialogue and witty banter, Gilmore Girls explores various themes such as family dynamics, friendship, love, and ambition. The show gained a dedicated fanbase and continues to be a beloved and influential series in the realm of television.
  • Jane the Virgin Poster
    Jane the Virgin
    as Mother Constantine 1 episode • #567 most popular show
    Jane the Virgin is an American romantic-comedy-drama television series. The show follows Jane Villanueva, a young woman who becomes accidentally artificially inseminated during a routine checkup. As a result, she finds herself facing the challenges and joys of motherhood, all while navigating her complicated love life. With its clever blend of telenovela-inspired storytelling and genuine heart, Jane the Virgin has captivated audiences with its unique and entertaining premise.
Movies - Irene DeBari
Sorted by online popularity. Irene DeBari has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Irene DeBari's Wikipedia page
    Irene DeBari Biography
    Irene DeBari, also known as Irena Du Barry, is an American television actress. She gained recognition for her role as Rosa Calletano, wife of Lieutenant Ray Calletano, in the TV drama Hill Street Blues. DeBari has been credited under various names throughout her career, including Irene De Bari and Irene Rosetti. She started her professional acting career in 1967 and continues to be active in the industry.

    On September 27, 2024, Irene DeBari had 4 Wikipedia visits, making them the #31,567 most popular actor online.