TV Shows - Isabella Wei
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 26, 2024. Isabella Wei has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • 1899 Poster
    as Ling Yi 8 episodes • #783 most popular show
    1899 is a thrilling drama series set in the late 19th century. It follows the harrowing journey of European immigrants as they embark on a transatlantic ship to America in search of a better future. The show explores the challenges and obstacles faced by these individuals, including cultural clashes, economic hardships, and personal sacrifices. With captivating storytelling, intricate character development, and stunning period detail, 1899 takes viewers on a compelling and suspenseful voyage across the Atlantic, shedding light on the hopes, dreams, and struggles of immigrants during this pivotal time in history.
Movies - Isabella Wei
Sorted by online popularity. Isabella Wei has appeared in 0 movies with data.