TV Shows - J. David Shanks
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. J. David Shanks has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Heroes Poster
    as Reporter Bruce Evans 1 episode • #613 most popular show
    Heroes is an American superhero drama series that explores the lives of ordinary individuals who suddenly awaken to their extraordinary abilities. As these characters come to terms with their newfound powers, their paths cross and intertwine, collectively facing looming catastrophes that could alter the fate of the world.
  • The Shield Poster
    The Shield
    as Officer Stamos 7 episodes • #743 most popular show
    The Shield is an American television crime drama series that premiered on Fox in 2002. The show follows the exploits of an elite group of LAPD officers working in the fictional Farmington district of Los Angeles. Led by Detective Vic Mackey, the team engages in various forms of illegal and immoral conduct in order to combat street-level crime. The Shield explores themes of corruption, morality, and the blurred lines between right and wrong in law enforcement.
Movies - J. David Shanks
Sorted by online popularity. J. David Shanks has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Barbershop Poster
    as Customer Lamar • #4,327 most popular movie
    Barbershop is a 2002 American comedy-drama film that revolves around the social life in a barbershop on the South Side of Chicago. The plot follows Calvin, who inherits the struggling business from his deceased father and eventually sells it, only to realize the value of his father's legacy.