TV Shows - Jodi Michelle Pynn
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. Jodi Michelle Pynn has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • The Enemy Within Poster
    The Enemy Within
    as Receptionist 1 episode • #1,803 most popular show
    The Enemy Within is a thrilling drama series that follows the story of Erica Shepherd, a brilliant former CIA operative who turned into a traitor. When a notorious terrorist, whom Shepherd had captured years ago, resurfaces, she is enlisted by the FBI to help bring him down. The series explores the complex relationship between Shepherd and FBI agent Will Keaton, who is tasked with overseeing her involvement. Filled with twists and turns, The Enemy Within delves into themes of trust, betrayal, and redemption, creating an intense and suspenseful viewing experience.
Movies - Jodi Michelle Pynn
Sorted by online popularity. Jodi Michelle Pynn has appeared in 2 movies with data.