TV Shows - Joseph Glick
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. Joseph Glick has appeared in 0 television series with data.
    Movies - Joseph Glick
    Sorted by online popularity. Joseph Glick has appeared in 2 movies with data.
    • Some Like It Hot Poster
      Some Like It Hot
      as Gangster at Convention (uncredited) • #1,130 most popular movie
      Some Like It Hot is a classic American comedy film directed by Billy Wilder. Released in 1959, the film stars Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon in lead roles. The story follows two musicians who witness a mafia crime and disguise themselves as women to join an all-female band on tour. The film is known for its hilarious plot, witty dialogues, and memorable performances. Some Like It Hot received critical acclaim and has since become a timeless comedy that has entranced audiences for generations.
    • Funny Girl Poster
      Funny Girl
      as Citizen (uncredited) • #2,370 most popular movie
      Funny Girl is a 1968 American biographical-musical film loosely based on the life and career of comediene Fanny Brice and her relationship with entrepreneur Nicky Arnstein.