TV Shows - Julie Alannagh-Brighten
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. Julie Alannagh-Brighten has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Our Kind of People Poster
    Our Kind of People
    12 episodes • #2,027 most popular show
    Our Kind of People is a television show that follows the lives of the wealthy Black elite in a prestigious community in Martha's Vineyard. The series explores the tensions and secrets that arise as newcomer Angela Vaughn strives to reclaim her family's place among the social elite. With a blend of drama, mystery, and scandal, the show delves into themes of identity, class, and power. Viewers can expect captivating storylines, strong character development, and a visually stunning backdrop of the picturesque island. Our Kind of People offers a fresh perspective on the dynamics of Black affluence and ambition.
Movies - Julie Alannagh-Brighten
Sorted by online popularity. Julie Alannagh-Brighten has appeared in 0 movies with data.