TV Shows - Lali Espósito
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 26, 2024. Lali Espósito has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Sky Rojo Poster
    Sky Rojo
    as Wendy 24 episodes • #1,862 most popular show
    Sky Rojo is a Spanish action-packed thriller television series. Created by Álex Pina and Esther Martínez Lobato, the show follows the story of three women who flee from a pimp and embark on a dangerous adventure to escape their troubled pasts. With a fast-paced plot filled with adrenaline and suspense, Sky Rojo offers viewers a captivating and intense viewing experience. The series showcases strong female leads and explores themes of empowerment, survival, and the lengths people will go to regain their freedom. Prepare yourself for a thrilling ride full of unexpected twists and turns.
Movies - Lali Espósito
Sorted by online popularity. Lali Espósito has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Lali Espósito's Wikipedia page
    Lali Espósito Biography
    Lali Espósito, born Mariana Espósito on October 10, 1991, is an Argentine singer, actress, and dancer. She gained fame as part of the pop group Teen Angels and rose to prominence with her role in the television series 'Casi Ángeles.' Lali has since embarked on a successful solo music career, releasing multiple albums and singles that have topped charts in Argentina and Latin America. She has also appeared in various TV shows and films, including 'Esperanza Mía,' 'Acusada,' and 'Sky Rojo.' With her versatile talent and captivating performances, Lali Espósito has become a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, captivating audiences with her music and acting skills.

    On April 26, 2024, Lali Espósito had 206 Wikipedia visits, making her the #13,782 most popular actor online.