TV Shows - Laura Crowhurst
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 27, 2024. Laura Crowhurst has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • The Wheel of Time Poster
    The Wheel of Time
    as Stablemaster 1 episode • #231 most popular show
    ‘The Wheel of Time’ is a high fantasy television series adapted from the acclaimed book series by Robert Jordan. The story chronicles the journey of Moiraine, a member of the Aes Sedai, as she leads five young individuals on an epic quest. She suspects one of them might be the prophesied Dragon Reborn, destined to either save or doom the world. The narrative weaves through a rich tapestry of magic, politics, and conflict, set in a sprawling, mythical world governed by the cyclical nature of time.
  • The Last Bus Poster
    The Last Bus
    as Frank 10 episodes • #2,025 most popular show
    The Last Bus is a captivating drama series that follows a group of strangers who find themselves trapped on a deserted bus after a mysterious event. As they try to navigate their way back home, tensions rise and secrets are revealed. With each episode, the characters' pasts are explored, adding depth and complexity to their shared journey. The Last Bus is a thrilling and thought-provoking series that delves into themes of survival, human connection, and the strength of the human spirit.
Movies - Laura Crowhurst
Sorted by online popularity. Laura Crowhurst has appeared in 0 movies with data.