TV Shows - Lauren Hammersley
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Lauren Hammersley has appeared in 3 television series with data.
  • Sullivan's Crossing Poster
    Sullivan's Crossing
    as Connie Boyle 8 episodes • #279 most popular show
    Sullivan's Crossing is a drama series that follows the life of Maggie Sullivan, a neurosurgeon whose life becomes tumultuous, prompting her return to her family's homestead known as Sullivan's Crossing. The series explores Maggie's journey as she grapples with her present challenges and the unresolved issues from her past.
  • Virgin River Poster
    Virgin River
    as Charmaine Roberts 54 episodes • #490 most popular show
    Virgin River is a popular drama TV show that revolves around the life of a nurse practitioner named Melinda Monroe. Melinda moves to the remote town of Virgin River seeking a fresh start, but soon discovers that small-town living comes with its own set of challenges and surprises. The show beautifully showcases the tight-knit community of Virgin River and explores themes of love, loss, and healing. With its compelling storyline and engaging characters, Virgin River keeps viewers hooked and leaves them eagerly waiting for the next episode.
  • Orphan Black Poster
    Orphan Black
    as Adele 8 episodes • #823 most popular show
    Orphan Black is a science fiction television series that follows the story of Sarah Manning, a young woman who discovers she is one of many clones. As Sarah delves deeper into this mysterious world, she becomes entangled in a complex web of conspiracy and genetic experimentation. With each episode, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey of suspense, as they navigate the murky ethical dilemmas surrounding identity, autonomy, and human rights. Orphan Black's compelling narrative and talented ensemble cast make it a must-watch for fans of thought-provoking science fiction.
Movies - Lauren Hammersley
Sorted by online popularity. Lauren Hammersley has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Lauren Hammersley's Wikipedia page
    Lauren Hammersley Biography
    Lauren Hammersley is a Canadian actress known for her roles in various television shows. Born in Campbell River, British Columbia in 1981, she was raised in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. Hammersley began her acting career at the age of 12 and also worked as a photographer before pursuing acting full time. She gained recognition for her role as Lisa Mason, a teacher, in the CBC Television sitcom 'Mr. D' which ran for eight seasons. In 2016, she appeared in the popular series 'Orphan Black' as an alcoholic lawyer. Hammersley's most recent role is Charmaine Roberts in the Netflix series 'Virgin River' where she portrays a character involved in a complicated romantic relationship. She has also acted in the miniseries 'Sullivan' in 2023.

    On April 28, 2024, Lauren Hammersley had 361 Wikipedia visits, making her the #11,653 most popular actor online.