TV Shows - Marcel McCalla
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 26, 2024. Marcel McCalla has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • The Creature Cases Poster
    The Creature Cases
    as (voice) 23 episodes • #2,198 most popular show
    The Creature Cases is an animated series that follows the adventures of special agents Sam and Kit as they traverse the globe, using their detective prowess, scientific knowledge, and an array of advanced gadgets to unravel enigmas within the animal kingdom.
Movies - Marcel McCalla
Sorted by online popularity. Marcel McCalla has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Marcel McCalla's Wikipedia page
    Marcel McCalla Biography
    Marcel McCalla is a British actor known for his appearances in stage productions and television shows. He began his acting career at the age of 14, playing roles in productions such as Oliver!. McCalla has worked with renowned playwright Roy Williams, starring in Fallout and Little Sweet Thing. He also portrayed Casey Motsisi in Who Killed Mr Drum? and Andre in Sugar Mummies. In addition to his stage work, McCalla has appeared in popular TV shows like Grange Hill, The Bill, Footballers' Wives, and Trexx and Flipside. He has also lent his voice to characters in Freefonix and Matt Hatter Chronicles.

    On April 26, 2024, Marcel McCalla had 18 Wikipedia visits, making them the #27,019 most popular actor online.