TV Shows - Margaret Odette
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Margaret Odette has appeared in 3 television series with data.
  • Elementary Poster
    as Debora Garissi 1 episode • #610 most popular show
    Elementary is an American television show that reimagines the iconic character Sherlock Holmes in a modern-day setting of New York City. This Emmy-nominated series follows Sherlock Holmes as he collaborates with the NYPD to solve complex cases. Recovering from addiction, Sherlock is paired with Dr. Joan Watson, his sober companion who becomes an invaluable partner in his investigative ventures.
  • Sex/Life Poster
    as Sasha Snow 14 episodes • #651 most popular show
    Sex/Life is an American drama series that explores the complexities of love, marriage, and desire. The story revolves around Billie Connelly, a mother and wife, who grapples with her suburban life and the longing for her adventurous past. As she indulges in memories of her ex-lover, these reflections begin to impact her present, unraveling the fabric of her marriage and family life.
  • Blindspot Poster
    as DJ 1 episode • #1,008 most popular show
    Blindspot is an American crime drama television series that follows the story of an unidentified woman who is found naked in Times Square with her body fully covered in mysterious tattoos. The FBI discovers that each tattoo on her body contains a clue to a crime they must solve. As they delve deeper into the complex puzzle, they realize that these tattoos have deeper meanings and connect to a larger conspiracy. With intense action, gripping suspense, and a compelling storyline, Blindspot keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with each episode.
Movies - Margaret Odette
Sorted by online popularity. Margaret Odette has appeared in 0 movies with data.