TV Shows - Mehmet Kurtuluş
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Mehmet Kurtuluş has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Into the Night Poster
    Into the Night
    as Ayaz 12 episodes • #799 most popular show
    Into the Night is a thrilling sci-fi drama that follows a group of passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels. When the sun suddenly becomes deadly, the passengers must work together to survive. As they face dwindling resources and increasing tensions, they must make difficult decisions to stay alive. The show explores themes of human nature, survival, and the lengths people will go to in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.
  • The Protector Poster
    The Protector
    as Mazhar Dragusha 10 episodes • #1,763 most popular show
    The Protector is a supernatural drama television series that follows the life of a young man named Hakan who discovers his mystical powers and becomes the latest in a long line of ancient warriors tasked with protecting Istanbul from an immortal enemy. As Hakan delves deeper into his new role, he uncovers a hidden world of ancient secrets, prophecies, and danger. With the help of his loyal friends and allies, Hakan must navigate the treacherous path of destiny to fulfill his duty and save the city from impending doom.
Movies - Mehmet Kurtuluş
Sorted by online popularity. Mehmet Kurtuluş has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Mehmet Kurtuluş's Wikipedia page
    Mehmet Kurtuluş Biography
    Mehmet Kurtuluş is a Turkish actor known for his versatile performances in movies and TV shows. He was born on April 16, 1972, in Istanbul, Turkey. Kurtuluş gained international recognition for his role as Memati in the popular Turkish TV series 'Valley of the Wolves'. He has also appeared in several other successful TV shows including 'Behzat Ç.', 'Ezel', and 'Suskunlar'. In addition to his TV work, Kurtuluş has showcased his acting skills in various movies such as 'The Edge of Heaven', 'Head-On', and 'The Breath'. With his talent and dedication, Mehmet Kurtuluş has established himself as a prominent figure in the Turkish entertainment industry.

    On April 28, 2024, Mehmet Kurtuluş had 108 Wikipedia visits, making him the #18,854 most popular actor online.