TV Shows - Michelle Twarowska
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 27, 2024. Michelle Twarowska has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Jane the Virgin Poster
    Jane the Virgin
    as Nurse Helga 4 episodes • #567 most popular show
    Jane the Virgin is an American romantic-comedy-drama television series. The show follows Jane Villanueva, a young woman who becomes accidentally artificially inseminated during a routine checkup. As a result, she finds herself facing the challenges and joys of motherhood, all while navigating her complicated love life. With its clever blend of telenovela-inspired storytelling and genuine heart, Jane the Virgin has captivated audiences with its unique and entertaining premise.
Movies - Michelle Twarowska
Sorted by online popularity. Michelle Twarowska has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Late Bloomers Poster
    Late Bloomers
    as Sylvia • #5,815 most popular movie
    Late Bloomers is a 2023 American coming-of-age comedy-drama directed by Lisa Steen and written by Anna Greenfield. The story follows Louise, a 28-year-old from Brooklyn navigating life as a quasi-musician. After a mishap leads to a broken hip, Louise finds herself in physical therapy among elderly patients. She forms an unlikely bond with Antonina, a non-English speaking Polish woman, as she becomes her caretaker, confronting realities of aging and personal growth.