TV Shows - Rev. William Rueger
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 26, 2024. Rev. William Rueger has appeared in 0 television series with data.
    Movies - Rev. William Rueger
    Sorted by online popularity. Rev. William Rueger has appeared in 1 movies with data.
    • Five Minarets in New York Poster
      Five Minarets in New York
      as Priest • #7,954 most popular movie
      Five Minarets in New York, also known as Act of Vengeance and The Terrorist, is a 2010 American action film directed and written by Mahsun Kırmızıgül. The story follows two Turkish police officers sent to New York City to apprehend a suspected terrorist named 'Dajjal'. The film delves into themes of love, friendship, peace, and prejudices, as the agents collaborate with the FBI and NYPD to capture a Muslim scholar, Hadji Gumus, who fled to the U.S. after serving time in a Turkish prison for murder.