TV Shows - Rhianna Jagpal
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Rhianna Jagpal has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • The Flash Poster
    The Flash
    as 2nd Cheerleader 1 episode • #317 most popular show
    The Flash is a superhero television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The show follows the journey of Barry Allen, a forensic scientist, who gains superhuman speed after being struck by lightning. With his newfound abilities, Barry becomes the speedster superhero known as The Flash, using his powers to protect Central City from various threats. The series explores Barry's personal and professional life, his relationships with his friends and allies, as well as his encounters with a wide range of metahuman villains.
  • The Imperfects Poster
    The Imperfects
    as Abbi Singh 10 episodes • #1,664 most popular show
    The Imperfects is an exciting science fiction TV show set in a dystopian future. The story follows a group of individuals who gain superhuman abilities due to a genetic mutation. As they navigate their newfound powers, they must confront moral dilemmas and internal conflicts. The series explores themes of identity, power, and the consequences of playing god. With its gripping storyline and complex characters, The Imperfects keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, questioning the boundaries of human potential.
Movies - Rhianna Jagpal
Sorted by online popularity. Rhianna Jagpal has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • To All the Boys: Always and Forever Poster
    To All the Boys: Always and Forever
    as Dipti Shaw • #3,741 most popular movie
    To All the Boys: Always and Forever is a romantic comedy film released in 2021. It is the third and final installment in the To All the Boys film series, based on the novel by Jenny Han. The story follows high school senior Lara Jean Covey as she navigates her final year and begins to make decisions about her future. Filled with heartwarming moments, relatable characters, and coming-of-age themes, the film explores love, self-discovery, and the complexities of growing up.