TV Shows - Sammi Haney
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 27, 2024. Sammi Haney has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Raising Dion Poster
    Raising Dion
    as Esperanza 17 episodes • #1,494 most popular show
    Raising Dion is a thrilling science fiction drama series that revolves around a single mother named Nicole Warren, who discovers that her young son, Dion, possesses supernatural abilities. As Nicole navigates the challenges of raising a superpowered child, she uncovers a web of mysterious events and secret government experiments. With the help of her close friend Pat, Nicole tries to keep Dion's powers a secret while also unraveling the truth behind them. This heartwarming and suspenseful show explores themes of family, identity, and the pursuit of understanding in a world full of extraordinary powers.
Movies - Sammi Haney
Sorted by online popularity. Sammi Haney has appeared in 0 movies with data.