TV Shows - Shiv Panditt
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 04, 2024. Shiv Panditt has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Bambai Meri Jaan Poster
    Bambai Meri Jaan
    as Ranbir Malik 10 episodes • #1,314 most popular show
    Bambai Meri Jaan is a Hindi-language period crime thriller series that delves into the life of gangster Dara Kadri and the turbulent era of 1960s Bombay. The narrative, viewed through the lens of Dara's father, former policeman Ismail Kadri, reveals the complexities of the underworld, including Dara's rise in a world rife with crime and his struggle with personal demons as he becomes a formidable figure in the mafia landscape.
Movies - Shiv Panditt
Sorted by online popularity. Shiv Panditt has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Shiv Panditt's Wikipedia page
    Shiv Panditt Biography
    Shiv Panditt (born June 21, 1984) is an Indian actor, model, emcee, radio jockey, and television host. Known for his role in the film Shaitan and the Sab Tv sitcom FIR, he gained recognition for his versatile performances. Panditt is the brother of Gayatri Pandit, an assistant director in several films, and Arjun Pandit, a former sports anchor. He is also the co-owner of the Chandigarh Cubs cricket team in the Box Cricket League (B.C.L.). Panditt attended The Doon School in Dehradun and graduated from Hindu College, University of Delhi. He made his screen debut in 2011 with the film Shaitan, where he received a Filmfare Award nomination for Best Male Debut.

    On July 04, 2024, Shiv Panditt had 265 Wikipedia visits, making him the #12,428 most popular actor online.