TV Shows - Shuhei Uesugi
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 27, 2024. Shuhei Uesugi has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Yu Yu Hakusho Poster
    Yu Yu Hakusho
    as Kazuma Kuwabara 5 episodes • #1,665 most popular show
    Yu Yu Hakusho is a Japanese television series that combines elements of action, fantasy, and adventure. It follows the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent, who unexpectedly becomes a Spirit Detective responsible for tracking down supernatural beings known as yokai.
  • Followers Poster
    as Hiraku Noma 9 episodes • #2,237 most popular show
    Followers is a drama series that follows the lives of several individuals as they navigate the highs and lows of social media fame. The show delves into the challenges and pressures faced by influencers and their followers, exploring the blurred lines between reality and the curated online persona. Viewers are taken on a journey through the characters' personal and professional lives, witnessing the consequences of seeking validation and the impact of social media on their relationships. With its compelling storytelling and relatable characters, Followers offers a thought-provoking exploration of the modern-day obsession with social media.
Movies - Shuhei Uesugi
Sorted by online popularity. Shuhei Uesugi has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Shuhei Uesugi's Wikipedia page
    Shuhei Uesugi Biography
    Shuhei Uesugi (上杉 柊平) is a Japanese actor. He has made notable appearances in various movies and TV shows, showcasing his versatile acting skills. Uesugi's career in the entertainment industry began with his debut in [insert notable debut project]. Since then, he has worked on numerous projects, gaining recognition for his talent and dedication. His notable TV show appearances include [insert TV show names], where he captivated audiences with his compelling performances. Uesugi's on-screen presence and ability to bring characters to life have made him a sought-after actor in the industry. With his versatility and commitment to his craft, Uesugi continues to leave a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

    On July 27, 2024, Shuhei Uesugi had 39 Wikipedia visits, making him the #21,376 most popular actor online.