TV Shows - Tobias Zilliacus
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 20, 2024. Tobias Zilliacus has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Deadwind Poster
    as Rannikko 12 episodes • #1,692 most popular show
    Deadwind is a Finnish crime drama television series. Set in Helsinki, the show follows detective Sofia Karppi as she investigates a series of murder cases. With a dark atmospheric tone, the series delves into the complexities of the human psyche and explores the gritty realities of crime. Karppi must navigate through a web of secrets and lies, balancing her personal life with her determination to uncover the truth. Deadwind captivates audiences with its intense storytelling, compelling characters, and stunning cinematography.
Movies - Tobias Zilliacus
Sorted by online popularity. Tobias Zilliacus has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Tobias Zilliacus's Wikipedia page
    Tobias Zilliacus Biography
    Lars Emil Tobias Zilliacus, better known as Tobias Zilliacus, is a Swedish-speaking Finnish actor. Born on September 30, 1971, Zilliacus has gained recognition for his remarkable performances in various movies and TV shows. One of his most notable roles was in the 2012 Swedish crime film, The Hypnotist. In this critically acclaimed movie, Zilliacus showcased his talent and garnered attention from audiences and critics alike. Additionally, in 2015, he made an appearance in the popular British TV series, Fortitude. With his impressive range and captivating performances, Zilliacus continues to leave a lasting impression in the world of entertainment.

    On July 20, 2024, Tobias Zilliacus had 7 Wikipedia visits, making him the #30,312 most popular actor online.