TV Shows - Tori Feinstein
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. Tori Feinstein has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • 30 Rock Poster
    30 Rock
    as Liddy 1 episode • #574 most popular show
    30 Rock is a sitcom that aired on NBC from 2006 to 2013. Created by Tina Fey, the show revolves around the production of a fictional sketch comedy show. It offers a humorous behind-the-scenes look at the chaos and professional relationships of the cast and crew. With sharp writing and clever humor, 30 Rock has garnered critical acclaim and numerous awards, including several Primetime Emmy Awards. The show features a talented ensemble cast, including Fey herself, Alec Baldwin, and Tracy Morgan.
Movies - Tori Feinstein
Sorted by online popularity. Tori Feinstein has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Arthur Poster
    as Library Girl #2 • #4,198 most popular movie
    Arthur is a 2011 American romantic comedy film about a wealthy and alcoholic playboy who faces the risk of losing his inheritance when he falls for a woman disapproved by his family.