TV Shows - Tyler Colfer
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 26, 2024. Tyler Colfer has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Bad Monkey Poster
    Bad Monkey
    as Donald 1 episode • #12 most popular show
    Bad Monkey is an American drama series based on Carl Hiaasen's 2013 novel of the same name, featuring Vince Vaughn as Andrew Yancy, a former detective turned restaurant inspector in Southern Florida. The plot thickens when Yancy is drawn back into a murky world of corruption and environmental destruction following the discovery of a severed arm by a tourist.
  • Genius Poster
    as Jimmy Johnson 1 episode • #962 most popular show
    Genius is a captivating television series that explores the extraordinary lives and accomplishments of some of history's most brilliant individuals. Each episode delves into the remarkable achievements and revolutionary ideas of geniuses spanning various fields, including science, art, literature, and music. Through a combination of insightful storytelling, expert interviews, and dramatic recreations, viewers are taken on a journey to understand the inner workings of these brilliant minds. From groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs to masterpieces of art and literature, Genius shines a light on the incredible contributions that these geniuses have made to shape our world.
Movies - Tyler Colfer
Sorted by online popularity. Tyler Colfer has appeared in 0 movies with data.