TV Shows - William Zabka
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 25, 2024. William Zabka has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • How I Met Your Mother Poster
    How I Met Your Mother
    as William Zabka 7 episodes • #257 most popular show
    How I Met Your Mother is an American sitcom that tells the story of Ted Mosby as he recounts to his children the events leading up to how he met their mother. Set in New York City, the show follows Ted and his group of friends as they navigate through their dating lives, careers, and various adventures. With its clever storytelling format and humorous ensemble cast, How I Met Your Mother has become a beloved classic among audiences.
  • Cobra Kai Poster
    Cobra Kai
    as Johnny Lawrence 50 episodes • #342 most popular show
    Cobra Kai is an American martial arts comedy-drama television series. It is a continuation of the Karate Kid film series and follows the story of Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso, decades after their infamous competition. The series explores the ongoing rivalry between the two characters as they reopen the Cobra Kai karate dojo and Miyagi-Do karate dojo respectively, training a new generation of students. Cobra Kai combines nostalgic elements from the original films with fresh perspectives, showcasing the complexities of friendship, mentorship, and the enduring impact of the past on the present.
Movies - William Zabka
Sorted by online popularity. William Zabka has appeared in 5 movies with data.
History of daily visits to William Zabka's Wikipedia page
William Zabka Biography
William Michael Zabka (born October 20, 1965) is an American actor best known for his role as Johnny Lawrence in The Karate Kid (1984), The Karate Kid Part II (1986), and the TV series Cobra Kai (2018–present). Born in New York City, Zabka comes from a family with a background in the entertainment industry. His father, Stan Zabka, was a director, writer, and composer, while his mother, Nancy, worked as a business liaison, producer, and production assistant. Zabka's acting career took off with his debut in The Karate Kid, where he portrayed the main antagonist, Johnny Lawrence. He also received an Academy Award nomination for co-writing and producing the short film Most in 2004.

On April 25, 2024, William Zabka had 1,029 Wikipedia visits, making him the #5,167 most popular actor online.