What is Disney Junior Ariel (TV) About?
Disney Junior's Ariel, set to debut in 2024, is an animated television series that captures the imaginative world of 8-year-old Ariel, a young mermaid princess in the underwater realm of Atlantica. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Little Mermaid' and its subsequent adaptations, this series introduces audiences to a Caribbean-flavored fairytale kingdom where Ariel attends a magic camp taught by her aunt Ursula, known here affectionately as 'tauntie'. Alongside her friends, including Lucia and Fernie, Ariel embarks on a series of fun-filled adventures, exploring her surroundings and mastering magical skills. Voiced by Mykal-Michelle Harris, with other characters brought to life by talents such as Taye Diggs and Amber Riley, Disney Junior's Ariel promises to be a vibrant addition to children's programming, combining elements of fantasy, education, and entertainment.
The first episode of Disney Junior Ariel aired on June 27, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on July 19, 2024.