TV Shows - Aziza Scott
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 28, 2024. Aziza Scott has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • The Fosters Poster
    The Fosters
    as Trista 2 episodes • #858 most popular show
    The Fosters is a heartwarming drama series that follows the lives of Stef Foster, a dedicated police officer, and her partner Lena Adams, a school vice principal. Together, they have formed a loving and close-knit family with Stef's biological son Brandon, and their adopted twins Mariana and Jesus. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when they welcome Callie, a troubled teenager with a difficult past, and her younger brother Jude into their home. What was meant to be a temporary arrangement soon becomes a life-changing journey for the Fosters.
  • Home Before Dark Poster
    Home Before Dark
    as Deputy Mackenzie ‘Trip’ Johnson III 20 episodes • #1,627 most popular show
    Home Before Dark is a gripping mystery drama series that follows the story of Hilde Lisko, a young investigative journalist with a passion for solving puzzles. Inspired by real-life journalist Hilde Lysiak, the show takes viewers on a thrilling journey as Hilde uncovers dark secrets in her small town. With a strong focus on family and the pursuit of truth, each episode is filled with suspense and emotional depth. Home Before Dark is a must-watch for fans of suspenseful dramas that explore the power of determination and the courage to challenge the status quo.
Movies - Aziza Scott
Sorted by online popularity. Aziza Scott has appeared in 0 movies with data.