TV Shows - Brian Keith
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 26, 2024. Brian Keith has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Poster
    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    as Mullibok 1 episode • #568 most popular show
    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a science fiction television series that takes place in the Star Trek universe. It follows the crew of the space station Deep Space Nine as they explore the unknown regions of space and encounter various alien species and civilizations. With its complex characters and intricate storylines, the show delves into themes of politics, religion, and war. Filled with action, drama, and exploration, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine offers a unique and compelling addition to the Star Trek franchise.
Movies - Brian Keith
Sorted by online popularity. Brian Keith has appeared in 10 movies with data.
History of daily visits to Brian Keith's Wikipedia page
Brian Keith Biography
Brian Keith, born Robert Alba Keith on November 14, 1921, in Bayonne, New Jersey, was an American film, television, and stage actor. Over his six-decade career, he gained recognition for his roles in various films such as The Parent Trap (1961), Johnny Shiloh (1963), The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming (1966), and The Wind and the Lion (1975) where he portrayed President Theodore Roosevelt. On television, he was best known for his roles as Bill Davis in the sitcom Family Affair (1966-1971) and as a tough retired judge in the crime drama Hardcastle and McCormick (1983-1986). Keith also starred in The Brian Keith Show (1972-1974) and Heartland (1989-1990).

On July 26, 2024, Brian Keith had 1,142 Wikipedia visits, making him the #4,839 most popular actor online.