TV Shows - Charles A. Tamburro
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 26, 2024. Charles A. Tamburro has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • CSI: Miami Poster
    CSI: Miami
    as Bryce Kaye 1 episode • #863 most popular show
    CSI: Miami is a popular American television series that follows a team of forensic investigators in Miami, Florida. Led by Lieutenant Horatio Caine, the team uses cutting-edge forensic techniques to solve crimes and bring criminals to justice. Each episode features a self-contained crime story, often inspired by real-life cases, and explores various aspects of forensics and police work. Known for its distinctive visual style and intense storytelling, CSI: Miami has captivated audiences around the world and has become one of the most successful spin-offs of the original CSI series.
Movies - Charles A. Tamburro
Sorted by online popularity. Charles A. Tamburro has appeared in 8 movies with data.