TV Shows - Cristina Medina
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 26, 2024. Cristina Medina has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Elite Poster
    as Cleaning Assistant 1 episode • #175 most popular show
    Elite is a Spanish thriller television series that follows the lives of three working-class teens who are given scholarships to an exclusive private school. As they navigate the challenges of fitting in with their wealthy peers, tensions rise and secrets are revealed, leading to a shocking murder. With a captivating storyline and a talented ensemble cast, Elite explores themes of class divide, love, friendship, and betrayal, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping plot twists and suspenseful storytelling.
Movies - Cristina Medina
Sorted by online popularity. Cristina Medina has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Cristina Medina's Wikipedia page
    Cristina Medina Biography
    Cristina Eugenia Medina Conde, born on April 8, 1971, in Seville, Spain, is a Spanish actress, singer, and theater producer. She gained popularity for her role as Nines Chacón in the Telecinco series La que se avecina. Before her television success, Medina worked with various theater companies such as Atalaya, TNT, and Centro Andaluz de Teatro. In 1997, she co-founded the humor theater company Pez en Raya, which has received acclaim and numerous awards worldwide. In 2014, Medina established her own production company, LaMedinaEs, and began creating shows. She also ventured into music with the show A Grito Pelao, where she formed the band La Cristi & los que vengan. Medina's talent extends to stage performances as well, and in 2017, she co-produced and starred in the play Ay, Carmela! alongside Santiago Molero.

    On July 26, 2024, Cristina Medina had 7 Wikipedia visits, making her the #30,455 most popular actor online.