TV Shows - Nafessa Williams
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 25, 2024. Nafessa Williams has appeared in 3 television series with data.
  • Twin Peaks Poster
    Twin Peaks
    as Jade 2 episodes • #118 most popular show
    Twin Peaks is a mystery drama television series created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. It follows an investigation led by FBI agent Dale Cooper into the murder of high school student Laura Palmer in the idyllic small town of Twin Peaks, Washington. As Cooper delves deeper into the case, he encounters a web of secrets and supernatural elements that completely redefine the community. With its surreal atmosphere and memorable characters, Twin Peaks has become a cult classic and influential in the genre of psychological thrillers.
  • Black Lightning Poster
    Black Lightning
    as Anissa Pierce / Thunder / Blackbird 58 episodes • #1,196 most popular show
    Black Lightning is a superhero television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The show follows Jefferson Pierce, a retired superhero who is drawn back into the fight against crime and corruption in his community of Freeland. As Black Lightning, Jefferson uses his electric powers to protect his family and the city from dangerous enemies. With its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and socially relevant themes, Black Lightning captivates audiences with its blend of superhero action and thought-provoking commentary on issues such as racism, inequality, and justice.
  • Survivor's Remorse Poster
    Survivor's Remorse
    as Adina Parker 1 episode • #2,070 most popular show
    Survivor's Remorse is a drama television series that follows the life of Cam Calloway, a young basketball star who achieves success and wealth after signing a multi-million-dollar contract with a professional team. The show explores the challenges and controversies that come with fame and fortune, as well as the complex dynamics within Cam's extended family. From navigating the pressures of professional sports to dealing with the demands of their newfound wealth, the characters must confront issues of race, identity, and social responsibility. Survivor's Remorse offers an insightful and thought-provoking exploration of the realities of achievement and the consequences it brings.
Movies - Nafessa Williams
Sorted by online popularity. Nafessa Williams has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Nafessa Williams's Wikipedia page
    Nafessa Williams Biography
    Nafessa Williams (born December 9, 1989) is an American actress known for her roles in various films and TV shows. In 2011, she portrayed Nicole Gordon in the Meek Mill film Streets and Deanna Forbes on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live. She gained further recognition for her role as Dr. Charlotte Piel in the CBS drama Code Black in 2016. From 2018 to 2021, Williams portrayed Anissa Pierce in The CW's Black Lightning. She also played Robyn Crawford in the 2022 Whitney Houston biopic Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody. Williams was raised in West Philadelphia and attended Robert E. Lamberton High School. She studied criminal justice at West Chester University and interned in the homicide unit of the District Attorney's Office.

    On April 25, 2024, Nafessa Williams had 161 Wikipedia visits, making her the #15,290 most popular actor online.