TV Shows - Sarah Jones
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on April 27, 2024. Sarah Jones has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • On the Verge Poster
    On the Verge
    as Yasmin 12 episodes • #1,924 most popular show
    On the Verge is a modern television masterpiece that expertly blends life's comedic mishaps with relatable struggles. Set in the backdrop of Los Angeles, the show delves into the lives of four middle-aged women, unravelling facets of friendship, family, and personal growth within the urban chaos.
Movies - Sarah Jones
Sorted by online popularity. Sarah Jones has appeared in 2 movies with data.
  • Marriage Story Poster
    Marriage Story
    as Carol - Producer • #1,390 most popular movie
    Marriage Story is a 2019 drama film that explores the complexities of a crumbling marriage. Directed by Noah Baumbach, the movie offers a realistic portrayal of the hardships faced by a couple as they navigate divorce proceedings. Starring Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver in the lead roles, Marriage Story delves into the emotional turmoil and tension that ensue during this challenging period. The film beautifully captures the intimate struggles, raw emotions, and the impact of divorce on not just the couple involved but also on their family and friends.
  • Bamboozled Poster
    as Dot • #3,411 most popular movie
    Bamboozled is a 2000 American satirical black comedy-drama film directed by Spike Lee. The story follows TV producer Pierre Delacroix, who, after facing rejection for his sitcom idea, pitches a 21st-century minstrel show as an act of protest. Surprisingly, the network not only airs the show but it also becomes a major success.